Thursday, March 31, 2011
Fashion Nugget of the Day: Torrid Romper & A Broken Camera
Thursday, March 17, 2011
For Japan With Love: Blogger's Day of Silence

But there is something you can do. I am taking part in the For Japan With Love Blogger's Day of Silence being held tomorrow. For information on how to participate click HERE.
All proceeds will go to Shelter Box, an international disaster relief charity that delivers emergency shelter, warmth and dignity to people affected by disaster worldwide. Sounds like a wonderful way to help the people of Japan!
For Japan With Love & Blogger's Day of Silence was started by Utterly Engaged and Ever Ours.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Fashion Nugget of the Day: Rock On
Monday, March 14, 2011
My Favorite Thing: Thai Food

Aron about to dig into his Curry Fried Rice

My Pad Thai with shrimp, chicken, and tofu-so pretty!
Aron and I had watched an episode of Gordon Ramsey's Best Restaurant Saturday afternoon, and the two competing restaurants were Thai. After drooling our way through that episode, we were ready for some Thai for dinner! We went to Thai Spice here in town. It was decent-not great atmosphere, but really good food.
Hope you are all having a fabulous day!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
How to Help
Friday, March 11, 2011
FBFF: Finding the Balance
This weeks' Fashion Beauty Friend Friday Katy from ModlyChic asks about"Finding the Balance...... How do you do it all and still live, work and play as you should?"
1. When it comes to prioritizing your life, in what place does blogging fall?Honestly, it varies. I run two at homes businesses, and work-wise, that is always the main priority. But some weeks I feel very inspired and I will work to fit more blogging into my schedule. I find that pre-posting helps.
2. We all wish we had more free time to dedicate to blogging and all it entails. What are your tricks for taking advantage of the time you do have to be as productive as possible?
I am more productive in the morning, and I'll give myself an hour to work on my blog, and checking out my fellow bloggers' posts.
3. Have you discovered any short-cuts that makes blogging easier or more time efficient?
If I have a crazy week ahead of me, I will draw up a few posts and tweak them as the week goes on, then schedule them for different days. I like to post randomly when the mood strikes me, but if that was all I did, then I wouldn't have too many posts :)
4. Do you have an editorial calendar or something similar that helps you plan ahead?
No, but that is a good idea :)
5. If time wasn’t an issue what you would be doing on your blog/for your blog that you aren’t doing now?
I would spend more time improving the overall look of my blog, the formatting, and so on. I would also spend more time on my photographs.
For more information, or to participate in FBFF, check out ModlyChic!
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Fashion Nugget of the Day: Too Much Look for Chicken & Biscuits?
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Fashion Nugget of the Day: New F21 Purchases
Monday, March 7, 2011
My Favorite Things: OPI Katy Perry Collection

I purchased the shade The One That Got Away, and I loooovvee it (it's the center color in the above photo). It reminds me of Dorothy's ruby slippers. It is a pinky-red with a subtle frosty glitter. Here's a picture of it on my nails:
I am digging the OPI nail polish so far. It seems to resist chipping, and the colors are vibrant.
I tried the black OPI shatter over this color, but I wasn't feeling it. It just looked like a streaky black mess on my nails, not the shattered mirror effect it is supposed to give. I might be using too much though :)
So, I went ahead and purchased 2 more Katy Perry colors (from eBay of course): the greenish Not Like The Movies and pink glitter Teenage Dream. I have a feeling these lighter colors might work better with the Shatter
Hope you all had a fabulous day!
Thursday, March 3, 2011
So I Went Apeshit With the Necklaces
While viewing RHBH, I began browsing through the Forever 21 website. I'd heard so much about their inexpensive accessories, but I never took the time to check them out. Well, I am glad I did. And I regret that I did. Oh, I am torn.....I purchased a tad too much. Here we go.......

Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Dorothy Perkins Review ...and Martinis!
This is a dress I wore on Shawna and Misti's visit. It is from Dorothy Perkins, and I just love it. My first order consisted of this dress, and a paisley empire waist number that I will blog about at a later date.
I am generally a US size 20, but I was able to wear this UK size 22 (US size 18). The measurements did match up, so that is what I went with.
I love how this dress is unlike anything I have found in the US. It works great with leggings and boots, and will work in the Spring with flats as well.
Here is how ya do it: